Whew! My MiFi router suddenly (and mysteriously) dropped its internet connection on late Friday afternoon. Since the weather was bad (windy and raining) at first I attributed it to that but by day's end, I was trying to regain my connection to no avail. Unfortunately (for us) our internet provider is closed on weekends, but when I touched base with him late on Friday afternoon, he seemed to think it was my computer somehow.
On Monday, David dropped the unit off at their shop for them to check it, since I still had gotten nowhere. They claimed they got a connection and sent it back home with him. *sigh* Of course, I had the same troubles as before (i.e., no internet) so ultimately called a nice young lad that came and took a look yesterday.
He couldn't get any sense out of the mysterious problem either, but did call the shop and spoke with them; who ultimately decided to swap out the unit (that I wish they had just done on Monday!). I guess they needed to hear an expert's opinion to know I wasn't being just dense! As a woman, I'm used to that attitude. *rolls eyes*
So, today, I went with David to his physio appointment and stopped on the way to get the new MiFi unit. I'm still none the wiser as to why the first one stopped working but I'm done wondering about it and moving forward. So, after a brief panic-ridden inability to get the new one going as I was instructed it *should* work, by jove I think I've done it.
With that, I am off to catch up with the not-being-online-for-5-days blues (but I had at least paid a bill by phone and did a couple of other urgent matters at the library in town already), but still have lots to do I didn't want to mess with until I got back online.
The birds have still been a joy to behold the past few days however, and will be catching up here as soon as I can.
Until next time...
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