Friday, May 3, 2013

Golden Eagle, Great Blue Heron, turtles and a gar pike!

David is off to Metropolis again today for a third physio appointment. He's hanging in there!

It did rain last night, as forecast, and will probably have more today with a lesser chance for the next few days. It has cooled off to the 60s today, and is quite windy!

I am still going through the many archives and found that March 26th 2012 was a particularly exciting day since David was able to get some photos of a Golden Eagle at Barren Creek, near the Ohio River.

If you don't know about these magnificent birds, they are 30 - 41" in length with a wingspan up to 7 1/2 feet, with wings held out straight when soaring; dark brown, with golden-brown crown and nape. Great fliers and hunters, they are fast enough to take grouse and the like while in flight; they usually prey on ground squirrels, prairie dogs and rabbits.

They will attack animals up to the size of deer, especially in winter (but cannot carry off the heavier animals). In our area, they are winter visitors (non-breeding).


 Apparently under a few years old (for their first several years of life, young birds have neatly defined white patches at the base of the tail and in the wings as seen in the photo below).

Of course, the Great Blue Heron is a rather awesome sight to behold as well, even if it is a year-round resident! Taken on the same day, we had a sighting near Barren Creek.

Another common sight is one of turtles sunning themselves on logs, this day was no different. Sorry, I haven't identified the actual species yet!

While going through this day's photos, I found one of the places we have stayed at before we moved here (found under the Lodging tab), the Barren Creek Cottages. Beautiful, quiet and peaceful.
If you followed yesterday's post, in one of the videos David mentioned a Gar Pike swimming toward the canoe. On this day's photos, it appears there was another sighting, and doubt my fisherman husband would forgive me if I left them out.

Prehistoric looking things aren't they?!?
Until next time...

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